Theatre Under the Stars

TUTS Texas All-State Musical is a special event which brings together like-minded, talented students from all over Texas to celebrate theatre in a fully produced stage musical produced by Theatre Under The Stars.  The Texas All-State Musical is a unique experience for students; it is not to replace what a student does at their home schools. It is an opportunity to create theatre at a statewide level with top musical theatre talent across the state.  It is sponsored, produced, and programmed by Theatre Under The Stars.

Head Over Heels – Photography by Melissa Taylor.

Bring it On – Photography by Melissa Taylor.

Into The Woods – Photography by Melissa Taylor.

important dates


  • JANUARY 30: Actor and Crew Interest Forms open
  • FEBRUARY 8: 6-7:30pm: TUTS Texas All-State Musical Informational Meeting (virtual). CLICK HERE to view the meeting recording.
  • FEBRUARY 29: Interest Forms for Actor and Crew are due
  • FEBRUARY 29: Virtual Auditions are due


  • APRIL 6 @ 12-6PM: Austin Callbacks
  • APRIL 7 @ 12-6PM: Houston Callbacks
  • APRIL 5 by 5PM: Virtual Callbacks


  • MAY 20 at 6PM: Virtual Cast Meeting
  • JUNE 23 between 3-6PM: Camp Arrival
  • JULY 7 at 11AM to 12PM: Camp Celebration / Pick Up


  • JULY 6 at 2PM and 7PM

*Some lead roles may be double cast, however, everyone will perform in both performances.


  1. READ: Thoroughly read and review the information in the handbook linked below.
    • EVERYONE: Headshot/Selfie & Resume of your relevant experience (see end of packet for examples)
    • ACTORS: Acting Through Song pieces (please choose a classical musical theatre song)
    • TEEN APPRENTICES/CREW: Up to three portfolio examples.
  3. EVERYONE: SUBMIT YOUR INTEREST FORM BY FEBRUARY 29. Fill out the interest form along with completed release forms.


  • TUTS Texas All State High School Musical tuition for actors/crew/chaperones is $1500.00. (Day Tuition fee of $950 currently available for 2024 TUTS Teen Apprentices only.)
  • This amount is spent 100% on you and the show process: This covers 3 meals a day, lodging, supervision, production fees, faculty fees, facility use, etc, for each student for 2 full weeks, in addition to a show shirt.
  • ACTORS: Full or 1st payment installment due prior to callbacks date on April 6th or 7th, final payment due by June 4.
  • CREW: Full or 1st payment installment due 72 hours after accepting role, final payment due by June 4.

financial assistance

  • Pay in installments: Pay in up to 3 installments of approximately $500 a month in April, May, and June.
  • District payment: Many school districts may cover or contribute to student tuition. Please reach out to your teachers and/or district directly. If needed, teachers/district staff can reach out to and our staff will happily assist with coordination.
  • Scholarships: Theatre Under The Stars does have a limited number of full or partial scholarships available based on financial need. Please have a parent/guardian contact to inquire about this option.